A Case Study In: Thinking Big.


Look at things not as they are, but as they can be.
David J. Schwartz

One of the most important things you’ll ever learn is that there are no rules. There are laws, but they’re never applied consistently. There are norms, but they can safely be ignored. There are patterns, but they can be broken. You determine what’s important. You determine what action has value. You determine what goal is realistic, or reasonable, or possible.

The fact is, most people set goals that are far, far, to low for themselves. They don’t do this intentionally, it’s often totally accidental and a result of what we at MXW Group call: Mimetic Gravity. An invisible force that pulls and anchors us towards average and safety. Neurobiologically, it might be called homeostasis. We not only are okay with this pull towards ordinary, our body actively will seek it out. It’s our default setting, as David Foster Wallace might say.

However, that doesn’t mean you can’t push against. And, unlike escaping gravity in the physical world, you don’t need organizations like Space X and NASA in order to push back against it and escapes its clutches. Instead, all you need to do is set bigger targets, ask more of yourself, and set higher standards.

Application & Results

For example, let’s say you own a business. How did you set your prices? If you’re like most people you looked at the competition, found an average price, and decided to charge a little bit more or a little bit less. And in doing so, with one simple decision, you capped your earning potential. See we don’t really give a lot of thought to these things and why they matter. We just let Mimetic Gravity decide for us.

When we met Tom, a copywriter and marketing freelancer, his average invoice was ~$200, and his biggest sale, a three month project with multiple deliverables was around $1500; in other words, Tom was massively undercharging. After just a few conversations with us, he landed a contract doing the exact same thing he was doing before, but this time for $35,000.

With a single shift in perspective, he was able to charge 175x his previous deal. He didn’t magically get more talented. He just realized, with our help, that prices and goals are arbitrary, and that we have a say in the targets we choose.

So the next time you’re setting a target of any kind, don’t stay small: Think Big.

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MXW Confidant is a 100% confidential, remote-based luxury coaching service.

MXW Oasis is a one-of-a-kind, personalized, 1-on-1 coaching retreat at a luxury resort of your choice.

Confidentiality Notice.

At MXW Group discretion is paramount. Names and events in these stories have been changed where necessary to protect the anonymity of our clients while preserving the spirit of their accomplishments.

About MXW Group.

We are a premium coaching firm that provides luxury coaching experiences for ambitious professionals to help them Think Big, Move Fast, and Stay Focused. We offer two unique 1-on-1 coaching experiences: MXW Confidant, a remote-based coaching retainer, and MXW Oasis, a personalized retreat at a luxury hotel/resort of your choice.

James Maxwell

Principal Coach & CEO, MXW Group


A Case Study In: Moving Fast.